According to legend, a pastry maker from the Court of Visconti wanted to bake a cake for his sweetheart, but something went wrong and the dough rose out of all proportion. Today, master bakers across Italy go to painstaking lengths (we mean days of slow fermenting) to recreate this same fluffy delicacy – and, in this delicious case by Lazzaroni, fill it with candied fruit and raisins (and not a jot of gluten).
Gluten Free Hand-Wrapped Panettone 600g by Lazzaroni Chiostro di Saronno

Hand-Wrapped Gluten-Free Panettone – a no-wheat Italian Christmas cake

Fluffy, fragrant sourdough baked without any hint of wheat, barley, malt or rye

Perfect as a gift for those intolerant of gluten – and for anyone else who loves cake!
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